Future of driver monitoring - Challenges and new validation approach


There is a growing demand for driver monitoring systems (DMS) for various use cases related to safety, comfort, and user experience. And regulators are pushing for DMS and their validation protocols with a view to improving road safety. DMS is becoming more complex, and there are more and more players getting involved in the field. The automotive industry and those with a stake in it are thus facing several challenges in the development and validation of DMS, including as regards efforts to keep them affordable while improving road safety and encouraging user adoption.

Through this document, Phasya shares its vision about the future of DMS development and validation methodologies.This document presents the automotive industry, and those with a stake in it, with:

  • an advanced validation methodology based on a multi-level and multidisciplinary approach;
  • recommendations for enabling a more agile and affordable development of future DMS.

It also aims to give them a better understanding of the challenges related to the validation and development of DMS.